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[gmf-dev] Creating copy of an existing diagram and model file

Dear gmf community,

please help me solving a little problem.

I try to open a pre-defined GMF-Diagram and to save this as a copy of it to
another diagram file.

My application under development is RCP-based.

*The unsolved problem*: the xyz.model_diagram contains "href"s to the
xyz.model file. And the copy of xyz still contains hrefs to the original,
template diagram.

How do i reorganize all cross references within my gmf resource files ???
How is the model data copied from diagram X to diagram Y when copying the
content of X.model_diagram to Y.model_diagram?

Thx for any help!


Here the code snippet:

final Diagram diagramCopy = (Diagram)

final EObject modelCopy = EcoreUtil.copy()

ArrayList<IFile> affectedFiles = new ArrayList<IFile>();

AbstractTransactionalCommand copyCommand = new
AbstractTransactionalCommand(editingDomain, "CopyContent", affectedFiles) {

  protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(IProgressMonitor monitor,
  IAdaptable info)throws ExecutionException {

    /* copy the content from the template to new editingDomain */

   /* seems the model data is not copied from the diagram */


  // results in graphical copy of template but has reference to original
  template model. New model is empty.

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