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Re: [glassfish-dev] Messaging 3.1 API artifact available in Nexus staging repo

On Tue, 1 Mar 2022 at 12:42, Ondrej Mihályi <ondrej.mihalyi@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm in the process of releasing Messaging 3.1 and for that I've submitted a certification request for GlassFish 7 Milestone 2:
> I ran the standalone TCK using a Jenkins job ( and the TCK passed.

Just to make it clear - against "private"

But do not be misled.
- TCK has not updated signature file yet,
- Scott's bundle has no PR 825 I suppose
 and yet - the sig test and metadata/version tests passed because:
- OpenMQ in GF-M2 has no JMS3.1, but 3.0 still

GF 7M2 isn't JMS 3.1 compliant, and I find this certification request premature.


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