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Re: [glassfish-dev] [jakartaee-ambassadors] Jakarta EE 9/GlassFish User Acceptance Testing

Hi Reza

does anyone actually derive any value in investing in GlassFish quality for it's own sake?
Yes :) For example, currently my company ManageCat (recently a new member of Jakarta EE), started to invest in Eclipse Glassfish and the overall Jakarta EE ecosystem. I have already contributed to Admin Console codebase to be usable in production and some other parts (such as Jakarta EE TCK, Mojarra etc.). We are also researching to add new features on top of the Glassfish codebase to be usable in production systems effectively and contribute back these features to the Eclipse Glassfish community.
As such, I don't think anyone would try to put GlassFish into production any more.
I thought so before I got into it, and realized that it can be fully used in production systems. The problem with not using the Glassfish in production systems is not related with Glassfish quality but mostly around who will support it. Glassfish includes everything to be used in production systems (Clustering, security, administration, messaging, and more .). From my experience, it is much more feature complete than some other open source application servers (not certified) currently used in production systems.

The only place I see value is a basic mechanism for finishing the Jakarta EE 9 release requirements and ensuring the TCK is usable by other, more production ready implementations (and that is where I was thinking the crowd sourcing focus would be).
As I said above, Eclipse Glassfish can be perfectly used in production systems but the reason for not using it is not related with its quality but lack of vendor support.

Slightly beyond that, GlassFish could perhaps serve as the mechanism for some early Jakarta EE 9 evaluation.
We really don't want Glassfish to look like this. It has a super and healthy community. We will do our best to use Eclipse Glassfish in production systems.

Just wanted to share my own view.


On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 2:50 AM Reza Rahman <reza_rahman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I do have a devil's advocate question I hope it is OK to ask - does anyone actually derive any value in investing in GlassFish quality for it's own sake? As such, I don't think anyone would try to put GlassFish into production any more.

The only place I see value is a basic mechanism for finishing the Jakarta EE 9 release requirements and ensuring the TCK is usable by other, more production ready implementations (and that is where I was thinking the crowd sourcing focus would be). Slightly beyond that, GlassFish could perhaps serve as the mechanism for some early Jakarta EE 9 evaluation.

Is this a fair perspective or am I missing something? Is it just easier to focus on GlassFish quality holistically?

Reza Rahman
Jakarta EE Ambassador, Author, Blogger, Speaker

Please note views expressed here are my own as an individual community member and do not reflect the views of my employer.

On 6/28/2020 5:17 PM, arjan tijms wrote:

Thanks for starting this effort.

At the moment the simplest thing is, I think, to enable the disabled tests in the GF CI one by one again, look at where they fail, and then investigate those failures.

Running the tests locally is explained in the readme at

The Jenkinsfile in the root of the GlassFish repo shows which tests are currently run by the CI:

Eventually that should be the whole list again.

As an example, after building and preparing GF per the instructions, running "./gftest web_jsp" would yield 4 failures.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

On Sunday, June 28, 2020, reza_rahman <reza_rahman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I hope at least some people here still remember FishCAT. It seems to me the Jakarta EE 9/GlassFish 6 work is now at a place where crowdsourced user acceptance testing, bug fixes and enhancements could work and be very valuable.

What are thoughts around this? While this could be done as a purely end user driven effort by the Jakarta EE Ambassadors, it is honestly a lot more effective with support from GlassFish 6/Jakarta EE 9 leadership. Is that a reasonable expectation? In the least I think I am looking for some level of commitment that bug reports and contributions done through such a program would be followed through by the right folks in leadership.

Please let me know?

Reza Rahman
Jakarta EE Ambassador, Author, Blogger, Speaker

Please note views expressed here are my own as an individual community member and do not reflect the views of my employer.
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