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[glassfish-dev] A bit of an update on GlassFish 6.0


The Payara team have had a go at converting chunks of GlassFish to the new namespace. We are tracking progress here


We have managed to do some small isolated things however we are regularly hitting blockers in the implementations;


I tried to move to jakarta transactions, connectors and EJB in one go as the implementation of these apis is within GlassFish however I hit a blocker in that Weld SPI exposes dependent apis so we are blocked on having a Weld implementation in the jakarta namespace.


I tried to move Batch but again we need the Batch implementation.


I tried to migrate to the new Servlet, JSP, EL api again as the bulk of the implementation is within GlassFish but became blocked on the need for the JSP project to release an implementation in the jakarta namespace.


To summarise when trying to move GlassFish to the jakarta namespace we are becoming blocked on upstream implementation projects. We aren’t committers on a large number of these projects so can’t make RC releases. Does anybody know how we can track when these projects make an RC release?




Steve Millidge



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