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Re: [glassfish-dev] Created a new Branch

Is this branch being actively developed?

We need to plan how to coordinate the Jakarta EE 9 work that will need to
occur in GlassFish.

In particular, to support Jakarta EE 9, GlassFish needs to have all the
APIs updated to the jakarta namespace (see my previous message), as well as
being updated to support JDK 11.

Jakarta EE 9 products are allowed to support JDK 8, but are required to
support JDK 11 (or newer).  We could start the Jakarta EE 9 work by first
converting most or all of the APIs to use the name namespace, and then later
update the implementation to run on JDK 11.

Alternatively, we could do the updates to run on JDK 11 first, and then
migrate the APIs to use the jakarta namespace.

Which to do first probably depends on how much work is involved in each of
them and how far along that work is.  My impression is that the javax -> jakarta
transition is not very far along.

How close to completion is the work in this branch?  Is it feasible to finish
this work soon, say in the next 2 months?

sawamura.hiroki@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 10/30/19 6:05 PM:
> Hi All,
> I just created '5.1.0-run-with-JDK11' branch from '5.1.0-BRANCH'. It is for trying to run Glassfish with JDK11+.
> I talked about this branch with Steve before.
> First of all, I'd like to commit some changes that is neccesary to launch Glassfish with JDK11+ to this branch.
> (I know that only the sources of GlassFish project has to be modified to launch Glassfish with JDK11+.)
> # Scope
> I'd like to start by setting a small goal:
>   - Based on glassfish 5.1.0.
>   - Run with JDK11+. (*)
>   - Test using QuickLook tests with JDK11. (*)
>   - Build with JDK8 as before.
>   - Run Jakarta EE 8 TCK with JDK8 as before.
>   - Postpone to support JPMS(JSR376).
>   (*) Need to change code.
> I believe this branch will help Glassfish support the latest Java in the near future.
> Thanks,
> Hiroki Sawamura
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