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Re: [glassfish-dev] OpenDMK


Why don't I recommend using this?

In my experience, code that isn't maintained can have various problems that appear or become known over time.

  • The code may have a vulnerability that was unknown to the authors when they originally wrote it
    • That vulnerability may be known now but no one is maintaining it so nothing will have been done about it
  • The code may have been dependent on a feature or API whose behavior has changed, rendering the operation of that function unstable
  • The code almost certainly has bugs which were not known at the time (and may still be unknown)
  • The code may have dependencies that could have any of the problems I have just described
  • (No doubt, this is an incomplete list)

Is it stable? I cannot say. It isn't currently being tested by those who produced it. In this case, it's been over a decade since anyone's been responsible for working on this.

I am sure the code was well written and produced in a professional manner, with a quality process. But, these things happen, even when using the best practices available.

Regardless of my preaching, I have learned that the repackaged component in GlassFish -- jmxremote_optional-repackaged -- is from opendmk-01-b01. You can find the original downloads for opendmk at the Internet Archive and I have included some direct links or one of it's archive copies for you (this one was from Jan 2012):

The original download page

You may find other useful material at that site.

I did not formally verify that this is exactly the same as the repackaged code you are working with but I hope that it is. I can make no representations about the content at all. If it is useful for your purpose, I am glad to have provided you with assistance. You will have to make all such determinations of suitability and accept all associated risks.

Good luck!

-- Ed

PS, if you look, you should be able to find one or two GitHub projects that have this material as well. I don't know if any of that would help you achieve your goals, but there are clones/forks out there.

On 10/17/2019 12:09 AM, Eric LELEU wrote:


I want the source code of the following maven dependency :

groupId : 'org.glassfish.main.external', 
artifactId: 'jmxremote_optional-repackaged'
version: '5.0'

Our application uses it and we want to provide a docker image for the Google Market Place.
According to the Google documentation, our docker image has to contain the source code of GPL & LGPL dependencies.

I found some repositories for opendmk-1.0-b02 but it doesn't match with our library...

You don't recommend this library because it is not supported anymore or because it is unstable?


Le 16/10/2019 à 21:07, Ed Bratt a écrit :

Are you looking for something specific? Have you tried searching (i.e. Google: "java dynamic management 5.1 download")  to find this? There appear to be a few mirrors of the content, more or less. This project was abandoned quite some time ago and I wouldn't recommend anyone do anything serious with it.

As near as I can tell, the repository did not contain JDMK 5.x. They were in the process of renaming it Open DMK and restarted the numbering with 1.x. I can find no evidence that a complete release was ever finalized but I was not involved in this project so I could easily be mistaken.

-- Ed

On 10/16/2019 8:53 AM, Eric LELEU wrote:


I would like to download the source code of the OpenDMK project in version 5.0 but unfortunately I can't find the repository. Please, can you provide me a link ?

As specified on this page, I tried to send a message on the glassfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx user list but I had a DeliveryStatus message...

I hope you can help me.



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