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Re: [glassfish-dev] Antlr2 upgrade issue

You misread the version number.  It meant EJB versions from 2.0 up to version 3.

Anyway, the EJB-QL spec should be part of the latest EJB spec.

Akhilesh Tyagi wrote on 1/8/19 5:40 AM:
Thank you Bill for your response. It helps at least somewhat to understand what might be going on. Do you know where can I find the specification for EJB-QL for version 2.0.3 as you mentioned ?

On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 2:28 AM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Akhilesh.

Unfortunately, the people who created this code are no longer at Oracle, and this code hasn't been touched for a long time so we don't really have experts in this area anymore.

Lukas Jungmann, who works on JPA, had this to say about it:
I believe antlr2 is used only for parsing EJB-QL queries (predates JPQL and is
related to CMP EJBs in EJB [2.0,3)); ie one version of JPQL parser in
EclipseLink is build on top of antlr3
I don't think there is any other usage of antlr2
That matches my limited understanding of this code as well.  EJB CMP has largely been replaced by JPA so it may be difficult to find others in the community who are familiar with this code.

There are some EJB CMP tests in the quicklook tests, but I believe most of the EJB CMP tests are part of the CTS (and Jakarta EE TCK).  Running the CTS can be a challenge, but there are others who can help with that.  There are also EJB CMP dev tests included with GlassFish, but I don't know their status.  See:


The v2-tests in particular are probably no longer functional.

Hope that helps.


Akhilesh Tyagi wrote on 01/ 3/19 10:43 PM:
Hello All,

My first post in the group.

I am looking at this issue in glassfish project:  (Upgrade from antlr2 to greater version).

I have been trying my hand on this issue for some time now. Mainly spent a good time on getting to know anltr4. I have been trying to make changes slowly. But more I am doing it, more I realize that certain classes in effected modules i.e. cmp-support-sqlstore and cmp-support-ejb shall need a good overhaul or may be a complete re write.

So I turned my attention to how exactly this code around antlr2 is used. I see probably the starting point is class and then there are supporting classes. I do not see any unit tests or anything (i have not run the quick look tests yet; not sure if that shall me as it looks more of integration test to me?)

The agenda of this mail is two fold:
- To validate if I am right track? Whatever I have been playing with, the changes are here:
- To understand what purpose antlr2 is serving in the project? I could guess till now that its all about JPQL quries and parsing them ? I might be completely wrong here.

Can someone help me answer the second question above ? Also, there might be some old emails or material around this as well. If I can get hands on that as well, it might be helpful.

Thank You,

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