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Re: [geowave-dev] GeoWave Data Store Questions


  The GeoServer data store creation spinner never completing can be for any number of usually configuration related reasons. I'm not sure if there's some internal timeout that eventually resets the state, I've had to restart the container before as well. 

   I downloaded the newest version of the Hortonworks Sandbox which now has the ability to install Accumulo and used the following steps to install all of the GeoWave components on the sandbox VM and display ingested content in a GeoServer Layer Preview. The VM is CentOS based with a Puppet client already installed so I used our RPM and Puppet install method to try and keep the steps to a minimum.

# Download and import new HDP 2.3 Sandbox VM

# Install Accumulo, ignore memory limit warnings for now
Actions->Add Service and follow the steps to install Accumulo
Set passwords and accept the defaults

# Install GeoWave using RPMs and Puppet
# Puppet client is already installed, add Puppet standard libs, configure GeoWave repo and install

yum -y --enablerepo=geowave install geowave-puppet
puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib

# I used port 8993 for Jetty/GeoServer as it's already configured in the VM port forwarding but not used by default
cat << EOF > /tmp/geowave.pp
class { 'geowave::repo': repo_enabled => 1, } ->
class { 'geowave':
  geowave_version       => '0.8.7',
  hadoop_vendor_version => 'hdp2',
  install_accumulo      => true,
  install_app           => true,
  install_app_server    => true,
  http_port             => '8993',

puppet apply /tmp/geowave.pp

# After Puppet run you should see the GeoWave iterator has been uploaded to HDFS
sudo -u hdfs  hadoop fs -ls /apps/accumulo/classpath/geowave/0.8.7-hdp2

# GeoServer available here

# Configure Accumulo
The context classpath for this VM would be - config -s general.vfs.context.classpath.geowave=hdfs://[^.].*.jar

# Download a small sample data file and run an ingest

# After downloading and unzipping your command line would look like this if you've used the example commands to configure Accumulo
geowave -localingest -b ./ingest -i hdp-accumulo-instance -n geowave.50m_admin_0_countries -f geotools-vector -u geowave -p geowave -z

# After the ingest completes you should see data in your Accumulo tables

# Configure DataStore and Publish Layer in GeoServer
New DataStore with the following config 
Workspace: geowave
Data Source : geowave.50m_admin_0_countries
InstanceName: hdp-accumulo-instance
UserName: Name you used when you configured Accumulo, I used geowave
Password: Again, I used geowave
Namesapce: geowave.50m_admin_0_countries
Press the Save button and it should take you to the screen to publish the ne_50m_admin_0_countries layer
One the layer has been published you should be able to see a map of the world from the OpenLayers Layer Preview

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 6:08 PM, Scott <sctevl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm having some problems with creating a GeoWave data store. I have two GeoServer 2.7 instances - one on CentOS and one on Ubuntu server and they're behaving the same way. I'm using the jar I built from master (0.8.8). 

When I fill in the connection information, it just spins. I also note that it's not possible to get to the GeoServer logs in another tab. I had to restart Tomcat to be able to use the GeoServer pages again. The GeoServer logs don't show any indication of an issue related to GeoWave. 

I see this error in the logs: WARN [zookeeper.ClientCnxn] - Session 0x0 for server, unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect Packet len1213486160 is out of range!

It repeats and then there's: WARN [] - Error obtaining new data store Error initializing datastore

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to connect to zookeeper ( within 2x zookeeper timeout period 30000

I ran nmap against port 2181 to make sure it's open. The error mentions :8080 though. That's Ambari on that server.

Also some questions for clarification:
1) Can the data source name be any arbitrary name?
2) Is there an expected timeout period where a failed connection returns back a message and the spinner on the page stops?
3) Googling the error indicates it may be related to zookeeper not having sufficient resources. I'm on a Hortonworks Sandbox and Zookeeper is green in Ambari. I'm to new with it to know how to troubleshoot well. 

Any ideas on troubleshooting this? Has anyone else seen this before?



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