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Re: [geotrellis-user] Geotrellis Custom Tile Metadata

Hi Alex,

You can use the TileFeature ( You'll find that a lot of the functionality on an RDD of Tiles or MultibandTiles, you'll have for a TileFeature. There might be some functionality missing (which is added through implicits), so it might take adding some of the implicits that allow for functionality to be called. You could also use your custom wrapping objects, if you provide the proper implicits (stated int he context bounds of the methods you are trying to use). If you need help with that, or you run into TileFeature functionality that isn't there, let us know.


On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 2:04 PM, Alex Ethier <soccermafia89@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I've been able to use Geotrellis to load multiple Geotiffs from HDFS to produce an rdd: RDD[(ProjectedExtent, Tile)].  I'd like to include some metadata for the tiles.  For instance each Geotiff can have a separate cloud cover metric associated with it and I want that data to be present with each Tile object.

As I do analytics over the Tiles I will need to take into account the cloud cover metric. 

What is the cleanest way to accomplish this?

Initially I tried wrapping Tiles as a field in a custom object but then I lost the ability to run Geotrellis RDD operations on it such as the .tileToLayout() function.



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Robert Emanuele, VP of Research
Azavea |  990 Spring Garden Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA
remanuele@xxxxxxxxxx  |  @lossyrob

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