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Re: [geomesa-users] Tools/Utilities to analyze Geomesa query stats

Nice. The 'bin' parameter should be optional (if not it's a bug), but it will filter based on whether the query was encoded in our custom 16-byte output format. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then setting it to false should be fine :)

The spark endpoint was developed against spark 1.6 I believe, so likely it has broken with newer versions. You'd need to figure out the classpath that works for both spark and geoserver. From your earlier email it looks like the whole jar is being excluded because it contains 'javax/servlet/Servlet.class'. So to start you can try excluding that from the jar. However, you're likely to run into a series of class-path related errors, and have to fix them one by one until things work (or you give up :).

If you do get it working, it'd be great to get it committed back to the project!



On 11/29/2017 11:40 AM, David Boyd wrote:

   Thanks.    That got me somewhere.
My big issue was that I had colons between my zookeepers vs commas (what I get for doing stuff late)

Then I had to fiddle with the params.
According to the code the bin parameter is required.  Looks like that tests for the presence of true or false in the hints.
What would it be looking for there?

In any case if I set bin to false I get data.  YEAH!!!!!!!

Looks like only JSON output is supported from the stats end point.

For the list once I registered by data source this query worked:

curl -v  -XGET 'http://bdpgeoserver:8181/geoserver/geomesa/stats/CoalesceSearch/queries/?typeName=EventRecordset&dates=2017-11-28T00:00:00.000Z/2017-11-29T00:00:00.000Z&bin=false'
I think I want to figure out a way to dump all this data to elasticsearch where I can play with it in kibana.

I am very interested in getting the analytics endpoint to work. Guess my big issue there is the SPARK assembly jar.
I built it from source and copied it into the library directory.

Any idea what I should look at there?

On 11/29/17 8:44 AM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz wrote:
curl http://bdpgeoserver:8181/geoserver/geomesa/stats/CoalesceSearch/queries -d 'typeName=bar' -d 'dates=2017-11-28T00:00:00.000Z/2017-11-29T00:00:00.000Z'

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