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[geomesa-users] Query over different geometry types?


I am using Geomesa as a database of various sensor measurements. Each sensor's geometry type may vary from Point and LineString to Polygon. Is it possible to store all of them as a feature type and query in a single way?

I currently implement each geometry type as different attributes and define default geometry per feature.

The simplified version of my implementation is:

### Adding an entry

// Define Feature Type
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();
b.add("point_loc", Point.class, 4326);
b.add("line_loc", LineString.class, 4326)
b.add("date", Date.class);
b.add("value", String.class);
SimpleFeatureType featType = b.buildFeatureType();

dataStore.createSchema(featType); // Assume dataStore is loaded.

// Write a feature
FeatureWriter writer = dataStore.getFeatureWriterAppend("TestFeatureType");

// Adding a sensor value with geometry type "LineString"
SimpleFeature newFeature =;
newFeature.setAttribute("value", "TestValue1");
newFeature.setAttribute("date", SomeDate);
newFeature.setAttribute("line_loc", line); // line is given.
// Not adding point ad line is included.

### Querying the value.
String cqlGeometry = "BBOX( line_loc, x1, y1, x2, y2)" // Given BBOX includes the point added above.
Filter filter = CQL.toFilter(cqlGeometry);
Query q = new Query("TestFeatureType", filter);
q.getHints().put(QueryHints.LOOSE_BBOX(), Boolean.FALSE);
FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> featureSource = dataStore.getFeatureSource("TestFeatureType");
FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> featureItr = featureSource.getFeatures(query).features();

// This iterator turns out to be empty.
while (featureItr.hasNext()) {
  Feature feat =;

My questions are
1. Is it okay to define multiple geometry types into a single feature type?
2. Can default geometry type be changed per every feature?
3. How can I properly get query results for the above case?
4. Is there anyway that I can query both point_loc and line_loc with a single query? Should I just need to OR two geometry filters? (Is there a better way?)

Thank you so much and I hope that one day I can share the entire project as an instance of using Geomesa.

With regards,
Jason Koh

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