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Re: [geomesa-users] Empty result with LOOSE_BBOX==FALSE option

One other thing - it might be that this is caused by a misconfiguration of the 'remote filters' parameter. With loose bbox enabled, a simple query like that won't trigger any remote code. However, with loose bbox disabled, it will try to use remote hbase filters, which require the geomesa runtime jar to be installed in hbase:

You can control remote filtering through a data store config, or through a system property as mentioned in that link.



On 09/13/2017 02:22 PM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz wrote:
The query execution seems the same in both, like you say. I'm not sure what would cause it to fail silently like that. If there are no other errors in the log, then I would suggest connecting a remote debugger and stepping through the response. I believe there is a place in the geotools feature reader codebase where internal exceptions get swallowed... possibly that is happening here...



On 09/13/2017 01:46 PM, Jason Koh wrote:
Hi Emilio,

I attach two log files. The system is a REST service accepts geospatial query and return corresponding data. I start the server with GeoMesa and my client sends a query. (and I stop the server after receiving the answer.)

One log is running with eclipse and the other one is running with a fatJar. Eclipse one returned results correctly whereas mvn one returns empty result with the same query. Note that I am using standalone HBase.

I briefly looked over TRACE part and they look same. I'd appreciate if I could learn anything more.

Thanks a lot.

With regards,
Jason Koh

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 6:01 AM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz <elahrvivaz@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I would try enabling explain logging in both cases to see exactly what is actually being run. Exactly how you configure logging will depend on your setup, but you want to set the geomesa Explainer class to trace. Assuming log4j, you can add a file with the following line:

this is explained for geoserver here:

If you can reply back with the output from the two scenarios, we can help pinpoint the difference.



On 09/12/2017 09:52 PM, Jason Koh wrote:

I am trying to integrate GeoMesa-HBase with our system with GeoTools Java interface, which is using Vert.X. 

Current system configuration
- Ubuntu 16.04
- HBase 1.2.6
- Maven 3.3.9
- Geomesa 1.3.1
- geotools 15.1
- Java openjdk,
- Vert.x 3.4.1
- Eclipse Oxygen.

When I query like this:
Query query = new Query(simpleFeatureTypeName, cqlFilter);
FeatureSource featureSource = dataStore.getFeatureSource(simpleFeatureTypeName);
FeatureIterator featureItr = featureSource.getFeatures(query).features();
It returned the result correctly. I however want to get more precise result, so disable the LOOSE_BOX feature by the following code.
Query query = new Query(simpleFeatureTypeName, cqlFilter);
**query.getHints().put(QueryHints.LOOSE_BBOX(), Boolean.FALSE);**
FeatureSource featureSource = dataStore.getFeatureSource(simpleFeatureTypeName);
FeatureIterator featureItr = featureSource.getFeatures(query).features();

It works when I test it through Eclipse with fewer result with more precision. It however returns empty result when I package it through mvn and then test. Both were called through exactly same code. (If I comment out the LOOSE_BBOX line, it works in both cases.)

I have compared classpaths in pom.xml and the Eclipse project (imported as Maven). They are all using same versions though the orders are different.

It is totally strange to me, and I wonder if any of you have a clue in this problem.

Thank you.

With regards,
Jason Koh

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