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[geomesa-users] Empty result with LOOSE_BBOX==FALSE option.


I am trying to integrate GeoMesa-HBase with our system with GeoTools Java interface, which is using Vert.X. 

Current system configuration
- Ubuntu 16.04
- HBase 1.2.6
- Maven 3.3.9
- Geomesa 1.3.1
- geotools 15.1
- Java openjdk,
- Vert.x 3.4.1
- Eclipse Oxygen.

When I query like this:
Query query = new Query(simpleFeatureTypeName, cqlFilter);
FeatureSource featureSource = dataStore.getFeatureSource(simpleFeatureTypeName);
FeatureIterator featureItr = featureSource.getFeatures(query).features();
It returned the result correctly. I however want to get more precise result, so disable the LOOSE_BOX feature by the following code.
Query query = new Query(simpleFeatureTypeName, cqlFilter);
**query.getHints().put(QueryHints.LOOSE_BBOX(), Boolean.FALSE);**
FeatureSource featureSource = dataStore.getFeatureSource(simpleFeatureTypeName);
FeatureIterator featureItr = featureSource.getFeatures(query).features();

It works when I test it through Eclipse with fewer result with more precision. It however returns empty result when I package it through mvn and then test. Both were called through exactly same code. (If I comment out the LOOSE_BBOX line, it works in both cases.)

I have compared classpaths in pom.xml and the Eclipse project (imported as Maven). They are all using same versions though the orders are different.

It is totally strange to me, and I wonder if any of you have a clue in this problem.

Thank you.

With regards,
Jason Koh

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