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[geomesa-users] Which backend to pick?

Is there a comparison somewhere of the performance and featuresets of the various backends?  I’ve tried, in a limited capacity, Accumulo (via geodocker), Cassandra (hacking the source to get it working with v2), and FS (HDFS) though not to the extent to evaluate their performance characteristics.

I’m in a large corporate setting where its tenuous to convince ops teams to install Accumulo on their managed Hadoop clusters or unfamiliar jars into their Cassandra instances. But they’re all potentially options.  I like the simplicity of geomesa-fs on HDFS, and heavily caching reads in a pool of Geoservers/Geowebcache, but also supporting batch Spark analytics.  I just discovered that it doesn’t (yet?) support anything but Points in

My main goals is indexing terabytes of shape files (of various geometry types), primarily for spatial queries to serve vector (and possible raster) tiles via Geoserver.  But getting temporal and attribute indices would be a nice bonus, as would supporting Spark analytics.


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