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[geomesa-users] Geomesa Query Performance


I am trying the example tutorial, by setting up Hbase database with it. I am running the Hbase QuickStart tutorial The tutorial runs fine, below are some of the problems which I notice in the query performance of bounding box.

I have inserted data with lat, lng range (30,60) to (35,65)

In this settings,  I am doing query on my local machine:
a) In my first query, the location bounding box is: (30,60) to (30.1,60.1), it runs on an average in less than a second and return correct results.

b) In second query, I modified the location bounding box  (10,10) to (30.1,60.1). This query also returns the same results as in query (a), which is expected, but on an average it takes around 3-4 seconds per query.

Since both queries should give me same results, but one is running much faster than the other.  I notice the similar behavior in time domain queries too where the performance is even much worse (10x times slower or even more) if time ranges are not matching with data inserted. Below are some of my questions:

1) Is this expected behavior ?
2) I know one of the solution can be to reformat the query to map to the actual data spatial and temporal ranges inserted into Geomesa, which will require me to maintain additional metadata about the data. But, I think a better solution might be designed at Geomesa layer ?

Do, let me know if there is some kind of settings etc, which can affect this behavior. I have seen the same behavior on multiple other local machines and on cloud VMS by setting up Geomesa.

Sandeep Singh.

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