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Re: [geomesa-users] NoSuchAuthorityCodeException: No code "EPSG:4326" from authority "EPSG" found for object of type "EngineeringCRS"

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your reply! I haven't tried to create a build based your code yet, so I can't say that problem is on your side - for now I assume that I am doing something wrong in my build.sbt mergeStrategy. But it would be good to understand what exactly needs to be done to solve this problem.


On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Andrew Morgan <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Diethard

I'm one of the authors of that book. Mathew Hallet wrote that specific code (but he isn't here on this list). 
I'll bump him a link and ask him to take a look. If the issue is on our side I'll ask him to post a fix, but just a warning, I know he's quite busy at the moment.


Sent from my iPhone

On 25 Jun 2017, at 11:43, Diethard Steiner <diethard.steiner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I am trying to get an Spark Ingestion Example going, which is based on your original MapReduce example as well as some code from the "Mastering Spark for Data Science".
I am using sbt. The `build.sbt` file has a simple `first` merge strategy defined (code available here). The scala code is available here.

I build the fat jar and then run it on Spark like so:

sbt clean assembly
# submit job
spark-submit --master local[4] \
  --class examples.IngestDataWithSpark \

Then I get an error returned:

NoSuchAuthorityCodeException: No code "EPSG:4326" from authority "EPSG" found for object of type "EngineeringCRS"

This Stackoverflow thread indicates that the merge strategy might not be correct, but I couldn't resolve the issue. I'd appreciate if you could point out the solution.

Best regards,
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