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Re: [geomesa-users] geomesa-hbase-datastore's class DataStore return null and i got a NullPointException

If the data store finder is returning null, it means that you don't have the correct jars on your classpath. Make sure that you have the geomesa-hbase-datastore jar, and include the hbase jars as described in th geoserver install:

There may be additional jars required if you are not running inside geoserver, but I don't believe we have documented those anywhere.

In addition, if you are creating any uber jars (i.e. with the maven shade or assembly plugin), make sure that the META-INF/services files are not overwriting each other.



On 03/25/2017 10:20 PM, gongenbo@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
When I use the geomesa-quickstart-hbase example,It works very well,but when I transform the project to a java web project and call the queryFeatures method  used a servlet doGet method, It has an error that the DataStore return null,and dataStore.createSchema(simpleFeatureType) method return a nullpointException.
please help me,thanks a lot.

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