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Re: [geomesa-users] Ingesting Avro files into GeoMesa using Hadoop on Google Dataproc

Hi Anthony,

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 2:27 PM, Anthony Fox <> wrote:
This is great!  Any chance you could submit a PR?

Well, I'd like to submit a PR but my changes on the source tree are more like a hack than really production ready.
For example, regarding the shaded JAR, should it replace or complement the current binary distribution?
I should mention that I had some issues with JARs overriding classes, in addition to some Guava version problem as well. The only solution I found was with some version pinning and dependency exclusion in the Maven file.

And you mentioned as well the question of including hdfs-site.xml (and probably core-site.xml as well, in order to set
In my case, I whacked the file in the source tree, but that's obviously not doable if a single shaded JAR is shipped.
Couldn't these files be passed as parameters to the Hadoop job and be automatically put on the classpath?


Damiano Albani

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