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Re: [geomesa-dev] Disable spatial indexing

Can you include a stacktrace or line number where the exception was thrown?

Also, note that if you have an attr index you have to make sure to have attributes indexed which it seems you do.

On 11/7/18 3:36 PM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz wrote:
What version of GeoMesa are you using? The 'id' index was called the 'record' index in earlier versions, so that might be the issue there.

The attribute index usually has a secondary z-curve as part of it, which is why you are still getting an error with just the attribute index. You can specify an older attribute index that doesn't include the secondary part, by appending the index version number. I.e. in your case "attr:3".

May I ask what you use case is? While it's possible to use GeoMesa without any spatial indices, it's not really a primary use case.



On 11/7/18 2:52 PM, Maria Krommyda wrote:
Dear Emilio, 

Thank you for your response and for your time. 
Yes, I have other attributes that I would like to index. 
However, I think that I am doing something totally wrong as I cannot make the command work. 
If I add 
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.indices.enabled ","id"); //or id,attr
I get as an error that configured index id does not exist, I assume because I have a user defined feature id.

If I do 
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.indices.enabled ","attr");
I get as an error that configured index attr does not support the schema

Then I tried to do 
sft.getDescriptor("never_null_attribute").getUserData().put("index", "true");
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.indices.enabled ","attr");
Which worked, in the sense that the schema was initialized and that accumulo did not have any z3 tables.
When I try to store a null polygon though, I get the same exception. (Illegal argument error indexing feature with null geometry, index xz3)

Any ideas/suggestions would be more than welcomed.

Best regards, 

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