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Re: [geomesa-dev] Disable spatial indexing

Dear Emilio, 

Thank you for your response and for your time. 
Yes, I have other attributes that I would like to index. 
However, I think that I am doing something totally wrong as I cannot make the command work. 
If I add 
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.indices.enabled ","id"); //or id,attr
I get as an error that configured index id does not exist, I assume because I have a user defined feature id.

If I do 
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.indices.enabled ","attr");
I get as an error that configured index attr does not support the schema

Then I tried to do 
sft.getDescriptor("never_null_attribute").getUserData().put("index", "true");
sft.getUserData().put("geomesa.indices.enabled ","attr");
Which worked, in the sense that the schema was initialized and that accumulo did not have any z3 tables.
When I try to store a null polygon though, I get the same exception. (Illegal argument error indexing feature with null geometry, index xz3)

Any ideas/suggestions would be more than welcomed.

Best regards, 

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