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Re: [geomesa-dev] stats based query optimization on attribute indexes at high zoom levels

Hi Anthony,

I'd say that the CBO should be relatively 'free' to pick between the Z2 index and the attribute index.

If one zoomed into a few blocks of NYC and was searching for 'pizza', I'd imagine that pulling back POI from a geo-index to be a faster than checking to see which pizza shops were in that part of Queens. On the other hand, if you were using Twitter ID, maybe it makes sense to use the attribute index.

Perhaps, we need a 'cardinality=highest' hint which indicates to always prefer the attribute index and never choose...



On 12/26/2016 3:28 PM, Anthony Fox wrote:
Hi all,

I've got a quick question about the query planner.  Say I have an
attribute index on an attribute with a high cardinality.  Something like
the following sft:


When running queries with stats based optimization turned on, I've
noticed that if I am at a high zoom level, the query planner tries to
hit the z2 table.  In my case, I'd expect it to only ever hit the
attribute index.

I think I can use the override to not use stats when query planning but
I wonder if there's a better way.


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