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[epsilon-dev] OSS Sonatype governance

Hello all,

We use OSS to deploy our SNAPSHOTS and to distribute our releases (OSS can deploy to maven central for us).

Currently, if not mistaken, only Dimitris and Antonio have permission to deploy projects to OSS. In past days Jon Co was interested in releasing one of his epsilon labs projects so it would be publicly available not only through the Epsilon Lands update site but also via maven central.

I think that it will be good to distribute the governance of the OSS space with all the Epsilon committers. That way, they will be able to use OSS to deploy their Epsilon Labs projects as well as helping out during a major release phase. 

For this I would suggest that for future committers, once accepted as en Eclipse committer, they should open a Jira ticket in OSS to request access. OSS has a lightweight approach to authorisation so after a few of us are there anyone could validate the request.


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