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Re: [epsilon-dev] Epsilon 1.5 Release

For information, my attempts to produce a signed MacOSX distribution
haven't been particularly successful so far:


On 5 July 2018 at 16:14, Dimitris Kolovos <dimitris.kolovos@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've done a bit of work on this and have figured out the dependencies
> we need for Photon-based 1.5 Epsilon distributions. Briefly:
> ---
> - (Un-tick the "Group
> items by category" check box)
> -
> (install Graphical Modelling Framework (GMF) Tooling *SDK*)
> -
> Older version of QVTo that GMF Tooling needs - otherwise we get the
> following error message:
> An internal error occurred during: "Generating all GMF models".
> org/eclipse/m2m/internal/qvt/oml/runtime/project/BundleUnitResolver
> ---
> Horacio: Did you mention at some point that you have a CI build
> configuration that can build Epsilon distributions? I can't see
> anything related under
> One issue I've come across so far is that building a MacOSX
> distribution locally and distributing it as a zipped file won't work
> due to a system protection feature (Gatekeeper) of MacOSX (the
> distribution will be reported as "damaged" on any other computer) [1].
> The solution for this is to use a service provided by Eclipse [2] to
> create a signed installer (DMG) - probably through a small Jenkins job
> as shell access seems to be deprecated [3].
> Has anyone else come across any similar system protection "features"
> in recent versions of Linux or Windows?
> Antonio: We may also be able to use the same signing service to sign
> our JARs and avoid the relevant warning when installing Epsilon from
> an update site.
> Cheers,
> Dimitris
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> On 8 May 2018 at 21:29, arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx <arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Antonio,
>> I somehow feel that projects like JDT are indeed a result of the effort of
>> Eclipse and hence just "" suffices. That is why I would go for my
>> proposal, but in the end I just want it to be consistent across, regardless
>> of its value.
>> Cheers,
>> On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 9:10 PM, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
>> <agarcdomi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi Horacio,
>>> Shouldn't it be That's typically how I see most Eclipse
>>> plugins brand themselves. Could you check the JDT plugins?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Antonio
>>> On 4 May 2018 at 11:03, arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx <arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Changing to 1.6 might also be a good point to (try to) standardise the
>>>> Name and Vendor information in the MANIFEST. Name has more freedom, but
>>>> Vendor should be the same for all Epsilon plugins.
>>>> Vendor = Eclipse Epsilon Project
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 2:34 PM, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
>>>> <agarcdomi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Horacio,
>>>>> POM-less would be good for 1.6: this was not possible until recently
>>>>> since the original HIPP instances had an old version of Maven which was
>>>>> incompatible with it.
>>>>> However, POM-less is not fully POM-less: as soon as you need any
>>>>> customizations, you'll need to keep that POM file. Something to take into
>>>>> account :-).
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Antonio
>>>>> On 3 May 2018 at 10:07, arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx <arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Additionally, we should consider making 1.6 pommels. We tried this for
>>>>>> the Epsilon-labs updatesite and contributed projects and was painless.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 9:20 AM, arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> <arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> @Dimitris , your emails sent from <somewhere in the world> keep
>>>>>>> getting flagged as spam so I was not able to read them till today.
>>>>>>>> On a minor issue, the "to" field of your email reads "Epislon Project
>>>>>>>> developer discussions <epsilon-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>" (note the "Epislon"
>>>>>>>> typo). Is this a local typo in your contact list or in the mailing
>>>>>>>> lists database?
>>>>>>> Send them to the email address so I guess it is a typo in the mailing
>>>>>>> list database.
>>>>>>>> Before we can release 1.5 we'll also
>>>>>>>> need to go through a release review.
>>>>>>> Keep the record as an article will definitely help with future
>>>>>>> releases.
>>>>>>> In the mean time we could still pick a date for freezing the changes
>>>>>>> (it would be good to know if the simulink/matlab drivers are good to go),
>>>>>>> make an RC branch and use it to prepare (bump versions, build, test, etc.)
>>>>>>> so once we have the review approved we are god to go. Guess this branch can
>>>>>>> also be used to create the zip or point to the commit that will be reviewed.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 6:42 PM, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
>>>>>>> <agarcdomi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Horacio,
>>>>>>>> That sounds quite nice - it would be good to have that automated.
>>>>>>>> Once we have it nailed down, we should document the setup of bumpversion in
>>>>>>>> an Epsilon developers article.
>>>>>>>> I think it would be good to bump up all test/example projects if we
>>>>>>>> can do it, for the sake of consistency.
>>>>>>>> We could do Friday, if you like. How about 10-11am?
>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>> On 1 May 2018 at 09:10, arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx <arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> @antonio Bumpversion will automate the process of changing the
>>>>>>>>> version number in pom/manifest files across the complete Epsilon project, it
>>>>>>>>> can even commit and tag if we want. I am guessing the moving jars from
>>>>>>>>> jenkins to the website and other shores will still have to be done manually.
>>>>>>>>> I have already written a first version of a python script that
>>>>>>>>> searches all manifest files and creates a bump version configuration file
>>>>>>>>> (bumpversion needs a list of file+version pattern (e.g. mayor..minor.patch)
>>>>>>>>> and also warns about plugins that do not match the current version. E.g.
>>>>>>>>> most of the test plugins have versions lower than 1.5.0. We could decide if
>>>>>>>>> we want all test/example plugins to catch up.
>>>>>>>>> I think we can organise a conference call to discuss more details.
>>>>>>>>> We could do it with the other debs that want to chip in or learn about the
>>>>>>>>> relent process.
>>>>>>>>> I can do the windows distribution and the mac if no one else rises
>>>>>>>>> their hand.
>>>>>>>>> Cheeers,
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 9:03 PM, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
>>>>>>>>> <agarcdomi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sina,
>>>>>>>>>> Sorry for the radio silence. I do not have any big contribution
>>>>>>>>>> pending for 1.5 - mostly I have been sending small improvements here and
>>>>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>>>>> Regarding bumpversion - I am all for automation, but I am not sure
>>>>>>>>>> if we can achieve 100% on that. The process we need is:
>>>>>>>>>> * Change all pom.xml files to 1.5.0.
>>>>>>>>>> * Make sure the commit with POM versions set to 1.5.0 is buildable.
>>>>>>>>>> * Tag that commit as "1.5".
>>>>>>>>>> * Let Jenkins create the final 1.5.0 update site and other things.
>>>>>>>>>> * Copy 1.5.0 final Eclipse-based deliverables from Jenkins to their
>>>>>>>>>> places.
>>>>>>>>>> * Create Eclipse Oxygen + Epsilon 1.5.0 distributions, upload to
>>>>>>>>>> website.
>>>>>>>>>> * From the 1.5 tagged commit, run "mvn
>>>>>>>>>> org.eclipse.epsilon:eutils-maven-plugin:deploy
>>>>>>>>>> -Ddeploy.url=";
>>>>>>>>>> to deploy the Maven artifacts to Maven Central. I'll need to do this myself,
>>>>>>>>>> as I believe you do not have a GPG key that is authorized to do so.
>>>>>>>>>> * Bump versions to 1.6.0.qualifier and 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT and push to
>>>>>>>>>> Git.
>>>>>>>>>> * Update the website accordingly.
>>>>>>>>>> Can we do all that just with bumpversion?
>>>>>>>>>> BTW, I have no problem helping out with the Linux version. Horacio,
>>>>>>>>>> do you want to do the Windows one? I definitely cannot do the Mac one (I do
>>>>>>>>>> not have one).
>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>>>> On 28 April 2018 at 10:32, Sina Madani <sinadoom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Horacio,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for the news update. I was wondering what is the reason
>>>>>>>>>>> parallel and incremental changes won’t be part of version 1.5? Aside from
>>>>>>>>>>> the “mvn clean install” issue with the test plugins at least the parallel
>>>>>>>>>>> changes are ready (all tests passing etc.)
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Sina
>>>>>>>>>>> From: arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: 27 April 2018 15:02
>>>>>>>>>>> To: Epislon Project developer discussions
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [epsilon-dev] Epsilon 1.5 Release
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>>>>>> Good news!, Epsilon 1.5 has been scheduled for release for the end
>>>>>>>>>>> of May.
>>>>>>>>>>> To do so, we need to complete a couple of tasks.
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Determine what goes in.
>>>>>>>>>>>     Current work on incremental and parallel execution will NOT go
>>>>>>>>>>> into version 1.5.
>>>>>>>>>>>     If you are working on a driver/language/enhancement and
>>>>>>>>>>> consider it to be in a usable state (all functionality implemented and
>>>>>>>>>>> tested), reply to this email with your interest in making it part of the
>>>>>>>>>>> release. We will decide on a per-contribution basis.
>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Prepare the code for release
>>>>>>>>>>>     This is mostly automated and only requires a manual update on
>>>>>>>>>>> the versions in all MANIFEST and pom files. @Antonio: I know you usually do
>>>>>>>>>>> this; I've had success in using bumpversion[1] to automate this process, let
>>>>>>>>>>> me know if you want us to set this up (a bit of manual work initially, but
>>>>>>>>>>> then it will be automated).
>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Release
>>>>>>>>>>>     This should be automated
>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Create Full Distributions
>>>>>>>>>>>     We would appreciate some help creating the Full Distributions,
>>>>>>>>>>> i.e. the windows/macos/linux Epsilon-ready eclipses you can download from
>>>>>>>>>>> the site. Please let us know if you can give a hand.
>>>>>>>>>>> Also remember that if you have developed a driver/tool that is
>>>>>>>>>>> currently in EpsilonLabs you should configure it to be part of the
>>>>>>>>>>> EpsilonLabs update-site[2].
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
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>>> --
>>> Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
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>>> epsilon-dev mailing list
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> --
> Dimitris Kolovos
> Professor of Software Engineering
> Department of Computer Science
> University of York

Dimitris Kolovos
Professor of Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science
University of York


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