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Re: [epsilon-dev] Epsilon 1.5 Release

Hi Horacio,

Shouldn't it be That's typically how I see most Eclipse plugins brand themselves. Could you check the JDT plugins?

Kind regards,

On 4 May 2018 at 11:03, arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx <arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

Changing to 1.6 might also be a good point to (try to) standardise the Name and Vendor information in the MANIFEST. Name has more freedom, but Vendor should be the same for all Epsilon plugins. 

Vendor = Eclipse Epsilon Project


On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 2:34 PM, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez <agarcdomi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Horacio,

POM-less would be good for 1.6: this was not possible until recently since the original HIPP instances had an old version of Maven which was incompatible with it.

However, POM-less is not fully POM-less: as soon as you need any customizations, you'll need to keep that POM file. Something to take into account :-).


On 3 May 2018 at 10:07, arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx <arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

Additionally, we should consider making 1.6 pommels. We tried this for the Epsilon-labs updatesite and contributed projects and was painless.


On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 9:20 AM, arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx <arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all, 

@Dimitris , your emails sent from <somewhere in the world> keep getting flagged as spam so I was not able to read them till today.

On a minor issue, the "to" field of your email reads "Epislon Project
developer discussions <epsilon-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>" (note the "Epislon"
typo). Is this a local typo in your contact list or in the mailing
lists database?

Send them to the email address so I guess it is a typo in the mailing list database.

Before we can release 1.5 we'll also
need to go through a release review. 

Keep the record as an article will definitely help with future releases.

In the mean time we could still pick a date for freezing the changes (it would be good to know if the simulink/matlab drivers are good to go), make an RC branch and use it to prepare (bump versions, build, test, etc.) so once we have the review approved we are god to go. Guess this branch can also be used to create the zip or point to the commit that will be reviewed.


On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 6:42 PM, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez <agarcdomi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Horacio,

That sounds quite nice - it would be good to have that automated. Once we have it nailed down, we should document the setup of bumpversion in an Epsilon developers article.

I think it would be good to bump up all test/example projects if we can do it, for the sake of consistency.

We could do Friday, if you like. How about 10-11am?

Kind regards,

On 1 May 2018 at 09:10, arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx <arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

@antonio Bumpversion will automate the process of changing the version number in pom/manifest files across the complete Epsilon project, it can even commit and tag if we want. I am guessing the moving jars from jenkins to the website and other shores will still have to be done manually. 

I have already written a first version of a python script that searches all manifest files and creates a bump version configuration file (bumpversion needs a list of file+version pattern (e.g. mayor..minor.patch) and also warns about plugins that do not match the current version. E.g. most of the test plugins have versions lower than 1.5.0. We could decide if we want all test/example plugins to catch up.

I think we can organise a conference call to discuss more details. We could do it with the other debs that want to chip in or learn about the relent process.

I can do the windows distribution and the mac if no one else rises their hand.


On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 9:03 PM, Antonio Garcia-Dominguez <agarcdomi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Sina,

Sorry for the radio silence. I do not have any big contribution pending for 1.5 - mostly I have been sending small improvements here and there.

Regarding bumpversion - I am all for automation, but I am not sure if we can achieve 100% on that. The process we need is:

* Change all pom.xml files to 1.5.0.
* Make sure the commit with POM versions set to 1.5.0 is buildable.
* Tag that commit as "1.5".
* Let Jenkins create the final 1.5.0 update site and other things.
* Copy 1.5.0 final Eclipse-based deliverables from Jenkins to their places.
* Create Eclipse Oxygen + Epsilon 1.5.0 distributions, upload to website.
* From the 1.5 tagged commit, run "mvn org.eclipse.epsilon:eutils-maven-plugin:deploy -Ddeploy.url="" href="" target="_blank">" to deploy the Maven artifacts to Maven Central. I'll need to do this myself, as I believe you do not have a GPG key that is authorized to do so.
* Bump versions to 1.6.0.qualifier and 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT and push to Git.
* Update the website accordingly.

Can we do all that just with bumpversion?

BTW, I have no problem helping out with the Linux version. Horacio, do you want to do the Windows one? I definitely cannot do the Mac one (I do not have one).

Kind regards,

On 28 April 2018 at 10:32, Sina Madani <sinadoom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Horacio,


Thank you for the news update. I was wondering what is the reason parallel and incremental changes won’t be part of version 1.5? Aside from the “mvn clean install” issue with the test plugins at least the parallel changes are ready (all tests passing etc.)





From: arcanefoam@xxxxxxxxx
Sent: 27 April 2018 15:02
To: Epislon Project developer discussions
Subject: [epsilon-dev] Epsilon 1.5 Release


Hello all,


Good news!, Epsilon 1.5 has been scheduled for release for the end of May.


To do so, we need to complete a couple of tasks.


1. Determine what goes in.

    Current work on incremental and parallel execution will NOT go into version 1.5. 

    If you are working on a driver/language/enhancement and consider it to be in a usable state (all functionality implemented and tested), reply to this email with your interest in making it part of the release. We will decide on a per-contribution basis.


2. Prepare the code for release

    This is mostly automated and only requires a manual update on the versions in all MANIFEST and pom files. @Antonio: I know you usually do this; I've had success in using bumpversion[1] to automate this process, let me know if you want us to set this up (a bit of manual work initially, but then it will be automated).


3. Release

    This should be automated


4. Create Full Distributions

    We would appreciate some help creating the Full Distributions, i.e. the windows/macos/linux Epsilon-ready eclipses you can download from the site. Please let us know if you can give a hand.



Also remember that if you have developed a driver/tool that is currently in EpsilonLabs you should configure it to be part of the EpsilonLabs update-site[2].







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