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Re: [epp-dev] Contribute the embedcdt projects to EPP

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 6:56 PM Liviu Ionescu <ilg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The Eclipse Embedded CDT project is the former GNU MCU Eclipse, which provides support for bare-metal Arm & RISC-V development (managed build and debug).

Is this support "intrustive" in UI? Ie if I'm doing plain C++ development for my local machine and have Arm & RISC-V tools installed, does it add "noise" or disturbance to my main workflows, or is it mostly invisible unless I need it?

It is formally part of the Eclipse IoT group.

Good to know, although such working group stuff doesn't really matter for EPP.

At least for a while I think it would be better to keep it separate.

OK, but why?
Adding EPP packages has a non negligible cost on maintenance, on built time, and more importantly on end-users who then have more options of which package to use (so it's increasing complexity and uncertainty for them). So adding a new package needs to come with good reasons to balance the churn ;)

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