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Re: [epp-dev] EPP RC1 packages

+1 RCP package (linux.x86-64 - I will do some testing on other platforms during the day)

Regards, Markus

2010/5/21 Yong Jiang <yjiang@xxxxxxxxxxx>

+1 on reporting package (win32.x86 and macosx.cocoa.x86)




Yong Jiang.


From: epp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Markus Knauer
Sent: 2010
521 2:00

To: EPP Developer Mailing List
Subject: [epp-dev] EPP RC1 packages


Hi package maintainers,

I am sure you are waiting for this mail. A couple of hours ago I started the EPP build with the final RC1 bits manually, i.e. outside of Hudson. The first packages are already available for testing (CPP, Java, _javascript_, JEE, LinuxTools, Modeling) and I hope that the remaining packages drop out of the build within the next few hours.

Please go ahead, test the packages and send your vote as usual to this mailing list.

Packages that receive a +1 in time will be made available tomorrow (Friday) from the download page. As I wrote in an email earlier today, a package with a -1 or no vote at all will not be visible at all. Note that next week we need to concentrate on RC2 and there won't be much time to rebuild packages for RC1.

Thanks and regards,


epp-dev mailing list

Markus Knauer
###   phone: +49 721 664 733 0  (GMT +2)
###     fax: +49 721 664 733 29
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