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[emfcp-dev] EMF Client Platform - Multible Pages Editor

Hello there!



I'm really new to the whole programming stuff and got some questions. I've tried to find some answers in the web or here in the forum but failed. I'm trying to use the EMFCP to make a buisness application without coding everything by hand.





I have a model(e.g. person) and want to show that model in the editor. The problem is I want to have multiple editor pages. (e.g. first page - firstname, lastname and second page - adress, telephone number ...)

Is it possible to do this and how?



2. If it is possible I need a page with a table to display data from that person (e.g. task, date , dueDate, done). I don't want to add the object task to the person just some information I put in the table. How can I achieve this?



I take any help I can get.



Greetings Sascha

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