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  • [egit-dev] RE: [master] Change I50f1287b: (egit/parallelip-egit) Implement "Compare with Revision" action, Sohn, Matthias
  • [egit-dev] Participation in Helios build?, Alex Blewitt
  • [egit-dev] Committer vote for Mykola Nikishov has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [egit-dev] FW: [Bug 294784] Restructure EGit, Sohn, Matthias
  • [egit-dev] Committer vote for Mykola Nikishov has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of Shawn Pearce
  • [egit-dev] GUI testing, Robin Rosenberg
  • [egit-dev] tycho build, Igor Fedorenko
  • [egit-dev] http server for tests?, Shawn O. Pearce
  • [egit-dev] Re: JGit merge algorithm (fwd), Johannes Schindelin
  • [egit-dev] Bug 296187, Sohn, Matthias
  • [egit-dev] +1 for Mykola Nikishov on technology.egit, portal on behalf of Stefan Lay
  • [egit-dev] Vote for Committer status for Mykola Nikishov has started, portal on behalf of Shawn Pearce
  • [egit-dev] gerrit configuration changes, Shawn O. Pearce
  • [egit-dev] [RFR] Importing a project set file, Mykola Nikishov
  • [egit-dev] Tycho Build for EGit, Jason van Zyl
  • [egit-dev] Re: [egit] Git repository with multiple eclipse projects ?, Robin Rosenberg
  • [egit-dev] Re: jgit problems for file paths with non-ASCII characters, Robin Rosenberg

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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