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  • [egit-dev] No visual feedback on chosen tag, Thomas Hallgren
  • [egit-dev] EGit and JGit 0.11 Released, Chris Aniszczyk
  • [egit-dev] Google Summer School question, Richard O. Legendi
  • [egit-dev] Push using file:// protocol, alvaro sanchez
  • [egit-dev] New and Noteworthy 0.11, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] eGit and LogicalResources, Cédric Brun
  • [egit-dev] Links in Gerrit comments to other changes, Manuel Doninger
  • [egit-dev] fetch against an https git repo fails, Derek Cicerone
  • [egit-dev] attempting to try out 0.11, Derek Cicerone
  • [egit-dev] Test driving 0.11..., Chris Aniszczyk
  • [egit-dev] Gerrit internal server error, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] 0.12 Release Date and Bugzilla Milestones for 0.12?, Chris Aniszczyk
  • [egit-dev] branched stable-0.11, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] Running UI tests in Eclipse, Robin Stocker
  • [egit-dev] [egit] Does the nightly updatesite work, Thorsten Kamann
  • [egit-dev] Scheduling 0.11?, Chris Aniszczyk
  • [egit-dev] .git inside project is problematic, Baumgart, Jens
  • [egit-dev] Tree compare, Robin Rosenberg
  • [egit-dev] Submenu in Team context menu?, Kinzler, Mathias
  • [egit-dev] Code yielding exception under eclipse, but not if executed "barely", Jan Finis
  • [egit-dev] Missing ResetCommand, Thomas Hallgren
  • [egit-dev] Performance of Synchronize - unusable for CDT, James Blackburn
  • [egit-dev] Missing CloneCommand, Thomas Hallgren

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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