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egit-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [egit-dev] getHeads feature, Stefanos Antaris
  • [egit-dev] getRefDatabase, Stefanos Antaris
  • [egit-dev] EGit / JGit - git-blame support, Stefanos Antaris
  • [egit-dev] complete repo history, alvaro sanchez
  • [egit-dev] unknown compression method, Bernard Leach
  • [egit-dev] [GSoC] EGit / JGit - git-blame support, Kasun Lakpriya
  • [egit-dev] Problems when pushing with https, Baumgart, Jens
  • [egit-dev] Gerrit server down?, Thun, Philipp
  • [egit-dev] egit core tests fail since they can't find mockito, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] egit synchronize - saving changes, alvaro sanchez
  • [egit-dev] Fwd: Re: Replaced easymock by mockito, Dariusz Luksza
  • [egit-dev] Replaced easymock by mockito, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] 0.11.3, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] git gc, alvaro sanchez
  • [egit-dev] where have the Team > Remote > Configure Push and Configure Fetch gone ?, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] EasyMock Class Extension, Dariusz Luksza
  • [egit-dev] Fwd: Re: No visual feedback on chosen tag, Thomas Hallgren
  • [egit-dev] Syncrhronize view broken in egit 0.11.1?, James Blackburn
  • [egit-dev] Show in > History command on a file, Zivkov, Sasa

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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