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  • Re: [egit-dev] locking mechanism, (continued)
  • [egit-dev] Rebase usability, Robin Rosenberg
  • [egit-dev] Request for a review, Sascha Vogt
  • [egit-dev] New and noteworthy for 3.2, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] approaching 3.2, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] release 3.2 ahead, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] upload-pack / receive-pack, logic.cpp
  • [egit-dev] Welcome Laurent Goubet as a new technology.egit Committer, portal on behalf of Gunnar Wagenknecht
  • [egit-dev] Editing a file several revisions back, Alex Blewitt
  • [egit-dev] Committer vote for Laurent Goubet has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [egit-dev] Committer vote for Laurent Goubet has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of
  • [egit-dev] +1 for Laurent Goubet on technology.egit by Mik Kersten, portal on behalf of
  • [egit-dev] Blog on interactive rebase, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] +1 for Laurent Goubet on technology.egit by Christian Halstrick, portal on behalf of
  • [egit-dev] +1 for Laurent Goubet on technology.egit by Mykola Nikishov, portal on behalf of
  • [egit-dev] +1 for Laurent Goubet on technology.egit by Dariusz Luksza, portal on behalf of
  • [egit-dev] +1 for Laurent Goubet on technology.egit by Stefan Lay, portal on behalf of
  • [egit-dev] +1 for Laurent Goubet on technology.egit by Chris Aniszczyk, portal on behalf of
  • [egit-dev] +1 for Laurent Goubet on technology.egit by Robin Stocker, portal on behalf of
  • [egit-dev] +1 for Laurent Goubet on technology.egit by Matthias Sohn, portal on behalf of
  • [egit-dev] Vote for Committer status for Laurent Goubet was started by Gunnar Wagenknecht, portal on behalf of
  • [egit-dev] Commitership on EGit and JGit, Laurent Goubet
  • [egit-dev] 3.2.0-m3 for Luna M3, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] Improvement Suggestions / What's your opinion(s)?, Duft Markus
  • [egit-dev] Submit Type = Merge if Necessary in Gerrit, Mykola Nikishov
  • [egit-dev] not accepting passphrase, Aniyan Rajan
  • [egit-dev] Eclipse Egit dev, Robin Rosenberg
  • [egit-dev] [Announce] JGit / EGit release, Matthias Sohn
  • [egit-dev] Git Staging view not connecting, Konstantin Komissarchik

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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