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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Proposal: Request for explanations


First of all, the specification committee may recommend, but they are not in a position to mandate anything about how the project structure themselves. I guess the PMC could set some requirements in order to let a project pass a review, but in this case, we are not. 

spec + api in one repo
The reasoning for keeping spec+api in the same repository is for simplicity and assuming that you would always release them together. 

spec + api in separate repos
The reasoning for splitting spec and api in two repositories is for flexibility and assuming that you would release patch updates (service releases) separately.

While it would certainly be nice to have the same structure in all the specification projects, I don't think we would reach any consensus on this now and don't see it as important enough to spend time convincing the other half about the benefits of one way over the other. 

So, pick whatever way you feel comfortable with. It can always be changed later.

The TCK needs to go in a separate repository since it has a different license


On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 6:02 AM Markus KARG <markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Spec Committee and PMC,


it would be great to have some explanations for recommendations, so committers and contributors would better and more easily understand the drivers behind each recommendation.


For example, the document says that it is recommended to have one repo with spec + api plus a second repo with tck. This looks rather arbitraty. There could also be three repos, or just one, or one with api and one with spec + tck. While everybody might assume a good reson behind each recommendation, the document does not explain the actual aniticipated (or measured) benefit of exactly that solution compared to the other solutions.


So it would be great if all recommendation documents would have some explanative text telling the exact reason for each recommendation / rule (for example in italics). :-)




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Ivar Grimstad

Jakarta EE Developer Advocate | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

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