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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Specification project scope statements

Wayne Beaton wrote on 4/1/19 10:15 AM:
> First, the scope statement is for both the specification project and the
> technology area. I had originally though of separating them, but figure that
> is too complicated.
> e.g.
> "Jakarta Persistence provides a specification document, API, and TCK that
> describes the management of persistence and object/relational mapping in
> Java(R) environments."
> So... "specification document, API, and TCK" describes the scope of the
> project (in that the production of these artifacts is in scope, and
> "management of persistence and object/relational mapping in Java(R)
> environments" is about the specification itself. My sense is that this is far
> more natural than trying to separate the two.
I thought we decided previously that specification projects would need to be
separate from TCK projects because specification projects need to operate under
different rules with different legal requirements.  Is that no longer the case?

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