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Re: [ee4j-build] EE4J Build Team meeting 10/31/2018

Yes, I want a wiki page written by someone who understands the answers to these questions.  Surely someone here could do that?  I know it's not me...  :-)

Ed Bratt wrote on 10/31/2018 12:50 PM:

Well, I can only try with the things I can infer ...

The wiki is Media Wiki. You might learn some of the mechanics from

Categories -- seem to just be keywords that you can add to pages. From what I can tell, they can be anywhere in the markup. You can have multiple categories for any page.

Moderation is probably in place to prevent vandalism. Near as I can tell, you have to have one or more "edits" approved, then (I think) the moderate constraint is removed (that was what was inferred by Kevin's e-mail). (Indirectly, you can look at the list of Active Users to see who currently has no-moderate -- hint, I am not on that list as of this moment).

I don't know who the moderators are. It's not clear if this can be granted to a sub-set of users. I'd guess that they are all Eclipse Admins or staff folks, but that's just a guess. There are a couple of categories of users. I couldn't guess, beyond administrators what permissions who has.

I have no idea how moderate request notification works -- or if there is even any notification.

I see, my one edit is still pending moderator approval -- so apparently, someone else got in and added that (rendering my proposed change moot now.)

We could start a how-to page if you like. My theory is, if you create a page now, it will immediately be published as you are now an "active" user.

-- Ed

On 10/31/2018 12:12 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
Ed Bratt wrote on 10/31/2018 07:59 AM:

Discussion about Eclipse Wiki pages
  • Dmitry raised the issue that all Eclipse wiki page updates require a moderator to approve. For example, the component release tracker wiki, for example, has an edit-backlog as of this writing. Currently moderators appear to be limited to a small number of community and Eclipse members. We have requested additional approvers be allocated so that we can get updates to the wiki pages more quickly. Eclipse admins will investigate.
    • Dmitry has requested that Jakarta EE be added to the Eclipse Wiki home-page. As it is now, users must know that there is a Jakarta EE category, or know the link: Eclipse admins have agreed and will add this link to the Eclipse Wiki homepage.
Can someone please create a wiki page with the title "How to add pages to the Jakarta EE wiki"?  It was not obvious to me how to do so, and I didn't do everything correctly.  Surely we want more people to add wiki pages so giving them a place to start and some guidance would be really helpful.  For example, how should I name my pages?  How do I use Category:Jakarta_EE?  Why do I have to wait for a moderator to approve my page?  How will I know when the moderator has approved my page?


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