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[ee4j-build] EE4J Build Team meeting 10/31/2018

Notes from EE4J Build team meeting

Dmitry presented current status of Jakarta EE/EE4J build/release efforts

  • From the Build and Release pipeline tasks, we are nearly complete against the GitHub tasks (c.f. CI/CD Pipelines project)
  • This GitHub project is tracking component staging releases: Staging Release: API
  • We will try to secure assignment of all issues in the "to do" column (as of this writing, there are 12 unassigned).
  • Next hurdle is to complete release for all components. This involves both approvals and credentials for pushing to various repositories -- completing all necessary compliance steps -- then requesting approval for formal releases.
  • This wiki page is tracking component releases: Eclipse GlassFish 5.1 Components Release Tracker

Discussion about Eclipse Wiki pages
  • Dmitry raised the issue that all Eclipse wiki page updates require a moderator to approve. For example, the component release tracker wiki, for example, has an edit-backlog as of this writing. Currently moderators appear to be limited to a small number of community and Eclipse members. We have requested additional approvers be allocated so that we can get updates to the wiki pages more quickly. Eclipse admins will investigate.
    • Dmitry has requested that Jakarta EE be added to the Eclipse Wiki home-page. As it is now, users must know that there is a Jakarta EE category, or know the link: Eclipse admins have agreed and will add this link to the Eclipse Wiki homepage.
  • There have been sporadic issues reported which seem to suggest underlying instability in Jenkins build systems. We will continue to monitor this. If anyone finds an issue, please post the issue IDs to this list so we can monitor this.
  • Please use this list to post any issues, hints, or advice for completing the release efforts.  We will try to accumulate this knowledge in a place where it can be referenced by all community members.

If I missed anything, please reply all with updates.


-- Ed


Bill Shannon is tracking issues, hints and advice for Maven publishing on this wiki: EE4J Maven Publishing

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