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Re: [ee4j-build] Maven profiles

Romain Grécourt wrote on 10/18/18 04:26 PM:
On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 3:03 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Romain Grécourt wrote on 10/17/2018 05:20 PM:
On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 4:49 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Romain Grécourt wrote on 10/17/18 04:23 PM:
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 4:09 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     No one ever did answer this question so here's my guess...
>     The "snapshots" profile should be used only what pushing out SNAPSHOT artifacts.
>     The "staging" profile should be used when staging a final release for
>     review, before finally releasing it.
>     The "oss-release" profile should be used only when doing a final release
>     of a reviewed and approved artifact. 
>     The "oss-release" profile is the only one that signs the artifacts.
> This is used for any "Maven release" that goes to Maven Central, final or not final.

I didn't think SNAPSHOT releases needed to be signed.

SNAPSHOT artifacts are not deployed with a Maven Release.
A simple "mvn deploy" is usually enough.
I think we're using the same terminology differently.

I think of anything pushed to a Maven repository to be a "release".
I guess you only consider non-SNAPSHOT versions to be a "release".
I used "Maven release" to refer to the Maven release workflow (think maven-release-plugin):
 - prepare: (update version, create tag)
 - perform: (checkout tag, build + deploy)

Note that the maven-release-plugin enforces release version (i.e non-SNAPSHOT versions).

- you "push" a SNAPSHOT artifact to a Maven repository by doing just a "mvn deploy" (NOT using the maven-release-plugin).
- you "push" a non-SNAPSHOT artifact to a Maven repository by doing a "Maven release" (using the maven-release-plugin).
I don't normally use the maven-release-plugin.  I'm just doing "mvn deploy" and managing the other aspects of the release process myself.  At least I had a cookbook for how to do that at


>     If I'm using the nexus-staging-maven-plugin to stage my release so that
>     it can be verified, and then to later close the staging repository and
>     finally release it, do I need to use the "oss-release" profile to do that?
> The "oss-release" profile adds a lifecycle (i.e plugin executions) that is not
> desirable for this use-case.
> The base configuration of the plugin can be done in the default profile (i.e no
> profile).

I don't understand.

If I'm staging my release for review, don't I want to include the source jar
file? Don't I want to sign the artifacts so when the release is approved I
can just "release" the repo?
You need to use the oss-release profile to perform a maven release.
In fact you can't close a staging repository without using that profile, otherwise you get validation error (Maven central requirements: source.jar javadoc.jar gpg signatures).
Then what's the point of the "staging" profile?  If I push something using that profile, it won't be signed, so I won't be able to close the staging repository, right?

This profile is not used to "push" but to "pull".
Once you have run a Maven release and you have a "closed" staging repository, you can use this profile to pull/consume the artifacts from the staging repository.
Hmmm...  Ok, let's see if I understand this...

Project A uses the "oss-release" profile to deploy a non-SNAPSHOT release to a staging repository and closes the repository but doesn't release it.

Project B depends on Project A and uses the "staging" profile when building so that the build of Project B will be able to pick up the staged artifacts from Project A.

Project B then uses the "oss-release" profile to deploy to a staging repository.

When both Project A and Project B are approved, the two staging repositories can then be released.

Is that right?

Does that mean the GlassFish build is using the "staging" profile for its build, so it can pick up staged versions of its dependencies?

So when do I use the "snapshots" profile?

I guess I don't need to use it when deploying a snapshot, correct?

I only need to use it if I want to make use of a SNAPSHOT release of something else when building my project?

Also, how is the Eclipse Maven repository used?

Is it just used as a cache of items from the release, staging, and snapshot repositories?  Is nothing ever pushed directly to the Eclipse Maven repository?

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