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Re: [ee4j-build] Maven profiles

Romain Grécourt wrote on 10/17/2018 05:20 PM:
On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 4:49 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Romain Grécourt wrote on 10/17/18 04:23 PM:
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 4:09 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     No one ever did answer this question so here's my guess...
>     The "snapshots" profile should be used only what pushing out SNAPSHOT artifacts.
>     The "staging" profile should be used when staging a final release for
>     review, before finally releasing it.
>     The "oss-release" profile should be used only when doing a final release
>     of a reviewed and approved artifact. 
>     The "oss-release" profile is the only one that signs the artifacts.
> This is used for any "Maven release" that goes to Maven Central, final or not final.

I didn't think SNAPSHOT releases needed to be signed.

SNAPSHOT artifacts are not deployed with a Maven Release.
A simple "mvn deploy" is usually enough.
I think we're using the same terminology differently.

I think of anything pushed to a Maven repository to be a "release".
I guess you only consider non-SNAPSHOT versions to be a "release".


>     If I'm using the nexus-staging-maven-plugin to stage my release so that
>     it can be verified, and then to later close the staging repository and
>     finally release it, do I need to use the "oss-release" profile to do that?
> The "oss-release" profile adds a lifecycle (i.e plugin executions) that is not
> desirable for this use-case.
> The base configuration of the plugin can be done in the default profile (i.e no
> profile).

I don't understand.

If I'm staging my release for review, don't I want to include the source jar
file? Don't I want to sign the artifacts so when the release is approved I
can just "release" the repo?
You need to use the oss-release profile to perform a maven release.
In fact you can't close a staging repository without using that profile, otherwise you get validation error (Maven central requirements: source.jar javadoc.jar gpg signatures).
Then what's the point of the "staging" profile?  If I push something using that profile, it won't be signed, so I won't be able to close the staging repository, right?

However you do not want to use the release profile to automate the 2nd part of the nexus workflow (i.e nexus-staging:rc-release)
Do the profiles have any effect when just invoking "mvn nexus-staging:something"?  I assumed they were unnecessary but also harmless in this case.  I assumed they only really mattered when doing "mvn deploy".

>     If so, I'm not sure when the "staging" profile would be used.
> IIUC the current direction seems to decouple the nexus workflow in 2 steps:
>  - deploy to a staging repository and close the staging repository
>  - release the staging repository once reviewed/approved
> The staging profile configures the staging repository group for
> <>. (
> I.e If activated, one can consume artifacts from any closed staging repository.
> If the review/approval depends on automated test suites, they will likely need
> to consume the artifacts from the staging repository. 

So if I deploy them using oss-release and close the repo, but don't release
it, what happens?  Can I download the artifacts from some staging area and
test them before releasing the repo?

Yes. You download the artifacts from the staging group ( that aggregates the content of all closed staging repositories.
You will use the staging profile to enable the staging group repository in your project.
I'm still not getting it.

I see that the staging profile will target the deployment to a different repository group than the oss-release profile.

What I don't understand is why I would ever want to target something to that other repository group.  The stuff I put there won't be signed, so I can't ultimately "release" it.  What would I use it for?  Why wouldn't I just use the oss-release profile and target that repository group, close it, but not release it until after it has been tested and approved?

I don't understand how to get signed artifacts into a staging area so that
they can just be "released" after being tested and approved, without needing
to recreate the artifacts.

Not sure where the confusion is.

Step1: Do a Maven release using -Poss-release.
After that, you will have a closed staging repository with all your artifacts (signed and everything).

Step2: Get the approval, release the staging repository, wait for 10min for the artifacts to show on Maven Central.
Right, so what's the purpose of the "staging" profile?

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