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[ee4j-build] Summary of this morning's Build Team meeting

Arindam -- working on converting build system to Jenkins pipeline type CI job. No CloudBees access yet. Hopefully, finished next week. Had some access questions, but these seem to be resolved. Local builds use Maven. In K8S,  builds are 30-45 minutes. In CloudBees, may take longer. Info. from Romain: Maven cache held in persistent claim. Can share maven repositry/cache. Otherwise, each build will have to recreate their local maven cache for each build (so Cache is not useful). Local Maven proxy "near" the build systems. Eclipse does have this. Can cache include (will we decommission? No.) Eclipse can create a second proxy for Nexus open-source proxy.

GF uses docker. CTS / TCKs don't. Biggest issue is creating the Docker image. Arindam will work with Bhat and Romain to create Docker image builds/tests for CTS and TCKs. Will run some experiments to see how this can be done in preliminary fashion (CTS/TCK repositories aren't public).

Maybe we can use private Oracle GH organization. Docker image issues seem readily solvable. Then need to work on getting build pipelined. (Jenkins image/clone repository, etc.)

Will provide update next week on progress.

Discussions regarding how to create new Jenkins instance. Romain walked through New instance, then walk through the web-ui to create new instance. will create new instance/work with support. GH API / token/key maybe needed.

200 Jenkins instances on current stack. Intend to migrate all to CloudBees. Will require some YAML changes. Worker nodes should try to limit to 4 CPU/8GB RAM. There are no quotas, but these will be added. Will add this to the YAML data. Can one log into worker nodes? (not accessible directly.) No Kube-ctl is planned. Romain is concerned about this. This will require additional hardening so that any error is caught and an archive is created, no matter what the failure. Cluster nodes are managed, but there are restrictions due to CloudBees.

Trying to create pipeline, but failing. then successfully created. Templates that are misconfigured can fail in an opaque fashion if they fail in the script. (See example log output below in chat from Denis). Oracle (Romain and Arindam) will continue to see if/how we can preserve these details to facilitate debugging.

Can they precreate PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) resources (we don't have credentials with perm. to generate)? Not clear. Will use "default" storage for now.

Use Eclipse issues when problems are encountered so that these can be handled more quickly (don't message/e-mail directly).

Create an issue for follow-up.

Chat from session:

07:02:17     From  Mikaël Barbero :
07:31:59     From  Romain Grecourt : 07:38:23     From  Denis Roy :   <invalid> <invalid>       1       kubelet,                 Warning FailedMount             Unable to mount volumes for pod "mypod-95q3t-kg5g2_cje(33b4223a-7497-11e8-91ae-525400f11ca1)": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount for pod "cje"/"mypod-95q3t-kg5g2". list of unattached/unmounted volumes=[maven-repo-storage]

07:44:22     From  Mikaël Barbero :

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