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[ee4j-build] Build Team Meeting (Wed. Aug. 20, 7 AM PDT)

I extended the build team calendar reminder. Apologies for the errant "cancel" event. Hopefully this will be processed for your calendars and show up at 7:00 AM PDT for the next several weeks.

7:00 - 7:30 AM PDT, Wednesdays, Weekly starting June 20

Tomorrow --

  • Updates since I was last here (since May 22).
  • Discussion about CTS and TCK infra requirements (in prep. for contribution)
  • Data-sharing for CloudBees and Azure VM experiments/progress


-- Ed

PS Dmitry is in Poland for Devoxx and will not make the meeting. Not sure if we will have anyone else, from Prague team.... I have invited our CTS/TCK development / contribution leads: Padmanabha Bhat (Bhat), and Anand Francis Joseph Augistine (Anand).

We will not hold this meeting July 4th, a US holiday.

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