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[eclipselink-users] Maven repository: no directory listings? no mirrors?

Sorry to be a broken record here.

I've noticed that all the usual mirrors of the EclipseLink Maven repository no longer work.  I suspect this is because the "real" EclipseLink Maven repository does not seem to permit directory listings (unlike other Maven repositories hosted by other organizations).  I'm guessing that all the mirrors conclude that there's nothing beneath the root?

By "real" EclipseLink Maven Repository I mean this: (note that this, when loaded in your browser, gives a 404 error, though URLs like correctly resolve).

By "mirror", I mean places like this (to take one arbitrary example that used to work reliably and has now stopped working):

No other Maven repository that I know of functions like this (i.e. does not permit directory listings and/or does not provide an index).  It would be a great service I think to the EclipseLink user community if either (a) directory listings could be restored or (b) EclipseLink could get its artifacts hosted somewhere else (like or Maven central).

Again, I don't want to sound like a whiner; just having trouble keeping our own Nexus proxy repositories administered correctly to hide these issues.



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