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Re: [eclipselink-users] em.merge() ignore.

On Jueves 21 Abril 2011 06:46:49 Tom Ware escribió:
> If you merge a changed object, you need to commit the transaction before
> you will see the change.
> If you are already committing the transaction, please post an example of
> the code you are running.
> -Tom
Fortunately I was able to resolve de issue.
This is the method:

	 * Guarda en la DB un objeto de tipo solicitud. 
	@Transactional(rollbackFor=ValidationException.class, readOnly=false)
	public void save(List<SolicitudTelcel> solicitudesTelcel, String noGuia, 
Date fechaEnvio) throws ValidationException {
		for (SolicitudTelcel solicitudTelcel : solicitudesTelcel) {
			if(noGuia != null && fechaEnvio != null){
				EstadoIntermedio estadoIntermedio = new EstadoIntermedio(noGuia, 

			SolicitudTelcel temp = em.merge(solicitudTelcel);
			em.flush(); 	//if I comment this line, no updates are triggers, and  		
						//the changes arent reflect to de DB.

> Christian (VuuRWerK) Seifert wrote:
> > If I understand EntityManager#merge(Object) correctly it just merge
> > the Object with eclipselink but do not any database operation.
> > To persist the changes you have to use EntityManager#persist(Object),
> > thus eclipselink do update the already existing entry in the database.
> > 
> > Hope that helps and please correct when I'm wrong ;)
> > 
> > -- Christian
> > 
> > 2011/4/20 José Arcángel Salazar Delgado 
> >> Hello.
> >> 
> >> I'm having some troubles with a estrage behaviour.  This is my flow:
> >> 
> >> 1.- Get a List of objects of a determinate type.
> >> 2.- modify one atribute of the object.
> >> 3.- make a for each and do em.merge(object).
> >> 
> >> Unfortunately the em.merge is ignore (I kwno that because in the logging
> >> of eclipselink I never see and UPDATE statement). If instead I use a
> >> JQPL update query to do the modification, every thing works as
> >> espected.
> >> 
> >> My question, what error  or problem can affect the em.merge to not work
> >> silently (no exceptions are throws)??
> >> 
> >> These methods worked well until I add to String atributes to the object.
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> > eclipselink-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
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