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Re: [eclipselink-users] Create DB DDL scripts instead of building database

Hi Roger,

  I would be surprised if the choice of database affects how this works.

Perhaps the best thing for you to do is to simply change the project to point to your MySQL DB - it should just be a matter of changing a couple of lines in the persistence.xml file and updating the project build classpath to use a different JDBC driver.


RogerV wrote:

tware wrote:

I am attaching my Eclipse project.  Can you see anything different about
what you are doing? Does this project generate DDL as expected for you?

Hi Tom

I've had a quick look at your project. I've not used Derby before so I've
had to take a flying stab and downloading and installing. Initially, I do
not see the ddl files being created. Mind you - if I change the
ddl-generation-mode to "database", I don't see the table being created
either :( I suspect/hope that this is more to do with my lack of knowledge
of Derby than a completely screwed setup my end.

Thanks for your efforts so far, it is appreciated but I'm going to have to
play with this outside of the paying job. I'll get back to you when I've got
something to report.


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