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[] Questions About Release Review

Hi All,
I'm taking Tim's advise and i'm posting my questions to the planning council:
As project leader i want to release the PHP IDE till the end of the year (Dec 21st). The current state is that we're about to release 0.7 Milestone 3.
1. Release version: although i have milestones for 0.7, does it make sense (according to Eclipse way) to consider 1.0 version instead of 0.7?
2. Schedule: How much time before the actual release i need to schedule the release review?
3. Any other suggestions i should consider before the release review?
4. Not release related: When creating milestone build, does it come from the same sources of the last Integration build?

Yossi Leon, Product Manager, Development Tools & PHP IDE Project Leader
yossi@xxxxxxxx +972-3-6139665 ext.229


From: Yossi Leon [mailto:yossi@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 7:03 PM
To: 'John Duimovich'
Subject: RE: FW: Introducing Yossi Leon - Project Lead - Tools-PHP

Hi John,
Although the level of stability and quality of the PHP IDE is fairly high, we are currently having milestones for 0.7 version, so it seems to me logical to release 0.7 version and not 1.0 (what do you think?).
When do i need to schedule the release review if i want to release the PHP IDE on 21st of December?
Any other things i should be aware of?

Yossi Leon, Product Manager, Development Tools & PHP IDE Project Leader
yossi@xxxxxxxx +972-3-6139665 ext.109


From: John Duimovich [mailto:John_Duimovich@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 6:39 PM
To: Yossi Leon
Subject: Re: FW: Introducing Yossi Leon - Project Lead - Tools-PHP

In order to be able to release a 1.0 you need to pass a release review.  The release review  process is described here. . You can find examples of past release reviews linked on that page.  The process is fairly extensive and the reason for the presentation is to provide the community information on the status of the project in a concise for.

Eclipse wants to ensure that 1.0 releases are high quality releases so if there are any issues you think you need to fix, I would prefer we keep it to 0.7,8,9 levels until you are sure.  Note that other projects have done this in the past (WTP for example went out with a 0.7 - which is more a statement of API issues, than quality)... Please review the section on Quality API to see if agree your code base is at this level. One of the key values of Eclipse as a platform (and the PHP IDE as well) is its extensibility and to ensure plugins continue to run, high quality (non-changing) APIs need to be available.

So, I know the pressure to name something as a 1.0 but I would recommend you consider the above issues closely before renumbering. Currently I don't have a view of the level of quality of the PHP IDE, I will have to rely on your input on this.


"Yossi Leon" <yossi@xxxxxxxx>

09/25/2006 11:14 AM

John Duimovich/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
FW: Introducing Yossi Leon - Project Lead - Tools-PHP

Hi John,
The main goal currently of PHP IDE regarding releases is to release PHP IDE 1.0 at the end of Q4.
Since we are currently on 0.7M2 as the latest release and we don't tend to release 0.7 version, i would like to jump to 1.0M1.
What should i prepare (if any) before i can release it? any documents? special builds?
Thanks in advance,

Yossi Leon, PHP IDE Project Leader & Development Tools Group Leader, Zend
yossi@xxxxxxxx +972-3-6139665 ext.109

From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 4:46 PM
'Yossi Leon'
dschaefer@xxxxxxx; John_Duimovich@xxxxxxxxxx; Erich_Gamma@xxxxxxxxxx
Introducing Yossi Leon - Project Lead - Tools-PHP


Doug, John and Erich:  The purpose of this email is to introduce Yossi Leon to you.  Yossi recently became the Project Lead for Tools-PHP (see email attached from Bjorn).  I am working with Yossi right now to arrange a new committer for Tools-PHP and Yossi will require PMC approval for the voting results of the new committer (email below).

Yossi:  Doug and Erich are PMC Members of the top level Tools Project and John is the PMC Lead.  I am attaching a link to the Tools Project Charter (which you probably are aware of), but nevertheless may provide you with some additional info - Tools Project Charter

If I can assist in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Sharon Corbett
Intellectual Property Operations
Eclipse Foundation Inc.

Tel:  613-224-9461 ext. 232
Fax:  613-224-5172


From: Yossi Leon [mailto:yossi@xxxxxxxx]
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:38 AM
'Sharon Corbett'
RE: Gadi Goldbarg - New Committer Request Form

Hi Sharon,

Since i'm new as project leader, i'm not aware of all regulations and members. Who is the PMC of the PHP IDE? Can you introduce me for him?


Yossi Leon, Development Tools Group Leader, Zend
yossi@xxxxxxxx +972-3-6139665 ext.109

From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Monday, September 18, 2006 11:39 PM
FW: Gadi Goldbarg - New Committer Request Form


Hi Yossi:  Can you please gain PMC Member Approval for the election.  You may forward it to me via email if it is not contained on the mailing list.


Sharon Corbett

Intellectual Property Operations

Eclipse Foundation Inc.

Tel:  613-224-9461 ext. 232

Fax:  613-224-5172


-----Original Message-----
From: emo-records@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:emo-records@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 12:48 PM
To: emo-records@xxxxxxxxxxx; yossi@xxxxxxxx; gadi@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Gadi Goldbarg - New Committer Request Form

Dear Gadi Goldbarg,

1. Create a Bugzilla account for yourself using your same

   email address: gadi@xxxxxxxx

   If you do not use this same email address, your Bugzilla

   permissions will not be set correctly.


2. Follow these instructions (especially item 4):

   If you have not already done so, you need to fill out a web

   form questionnaire and possibly one or two paper agreements.

   Your committer and/or bug triager account cannot be processed until these

   forms are received.


                              Thank you.


New Committer / Bug Triager Request

PMC Member: Yossi Leon

Email: yossi@xxxxxxxx

New Committer / Bug Triager Info: ===================

Election URL:

PMC Email:

Name: Gadi Goldbarg

Organization: Zend

Project: PHP IDE

Email: gadi@xxxxxxxx

CVS package List: org.eclipse.php-feature










Web Package List: www.php.*

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