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Re: [] RSVP Request: Eclipse Project Meetings in September


The Eclipse Committer representatives would like to request a "Meet the Eclipse Committer Representatives" meeting.

This would be an opportunity to talk about all things good / bad / otherwise for the Eclipse committers.


p.s. This meeting would need to be scheduled not to conflict with the Eclipse board meeting,

"Donald Smith" <donald.smith@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by:

05/22/2007 09:48 AM

Please respond to

"'Eclipse Committers'" <>
[] RSVP Request: Eclipse Project Meetings in        September

The ECLIPSE Foundation is hosting a Members Meeting on March 19th and 20th in Chicago, IL.  We would like to extend an invitation to Eclipse Projects who would like to hold a “Project Meeting”, “Hackfest” or “Adopt-Fest” on either the 19th or 20th.  If you would like to hold a meeting, the Foundation can provide meeting space and help integrate it with the overall scope of the members meeting based on your needs.  
**Please let us know ASAP if your project is interested, space is limited.
***If you would like space, you must respond (even if tentatively) by Friday, May 25th.
Here are some options to consider:
-        Option 1 – “Project Meeting”  - We can offer and projects  
who are interested space to host a project meeting on March 19th or  
20th for the entire day or half day.
-        Option 2 – “Hackfest” – Offer projects support for hosting a  
“hackfest” for their project, whereby organizations could send  
developers who are not committers [on the specific project] to meet  
committers of a project with some “code in hand” on features they  
would like to add to the project.  A good way for projects to pass on  
knowledge to a community who may be interested in contributing but  
too new, inexperienced or scared to do so.  We can help recruit interested
-        Option 3 – “Adopt-fest” – Offer projects support to host  
an “Adoption Fest”.  For example, offering to help organizations who  
are trying to extend or build upon a project.  We can help recruit
interested parties.
We would also invite any interested projects to have a table/demo
and/or poster during the meeting reception.
  - Don

Donald Smith  donald.smith@xxxxxxxxxxx
Director of Ecosystem Development
Office: (613) 224-9461   x231
Cell: (613) 292-5160
Fax: (212) 918-1619

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