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  • Re: [] Architecture Council Subcommittees, (continued)
  • [] AC 10-Nov Meeting Notes, Oberhuber, Martin
  • [] Friends of Eclipse Enhancement Program (FEEP) dedicated mailing list, Mikaël Barbero
  • [] Torrow's Call, Eike Stepper
  • [] Meeting this week, Doug Schaefer
  • [] OpenJDK shipped with some EPP, Mickael Istria
  • [] Fwd: [ec] 4 October 2016 EC ballot reminder: 1 item for voting, Wayne Beaton
  • [] AC 13-Oct Meeting Minutes, Oberhuber, Martin
  • Re: [] Unable to attend this Thursday, Tsvetkov, Krum
  • [] Unable to attend this Thursday, Jay Jay Billings
  • [] New User Profile/Dashboard, Denis Roy
  • [] Eclipse Community Content at Devoxx US, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Nominate Mikael Barbero to the Eclipse Architecture Council, Wayne Beaton
  • [] 8-Sep AC Meeting Notes, Oberhuber, Martin

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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