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  • Re: [] AC Meeting Today, (continued)
  • [] OpenJDK going GPL, EPLv2... => can we include OpenJDK?, Mickael Istria
  • [] Face to face meeting at EclipseCon Europe 2017, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Your input requested on some upcoming JSR votes, Wayne Beaton
  • [] Frequent TP resolution failures, Maximilian Koegel
  • [] AC 10-Aug Meeting Notes, Martin Oberhuber
  • [] Regrets for tomorrow (Aug 9th) call, Mickael Istria
  • [] AC 13-Jul-2017 Meeting Notes, Martin Oberhuber
  • [] Asterisk states Pin Invalid, Dr. Marcel Bruch
  • [] Regrets for our next call, Mikaël Barbero
  • [] Cleaning up Eclipse Marketplace Solution Entries?, Dr. Marcel Bruch
  • [] Fwd: [ec] 30 June 2017 EC ballot reminder: 3 items for voting, Wayne Beaton
  • [] I can't reach the EAC phone number : 1-866-569-4992, Michael Scharf
  • [] Regrets for today, Alexander Nyßen
  • [] AC 11-May-2017 Meeting Notes, Oberhuber, Martin

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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