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Re: [] FEEP Voting, Iteration #1 - Summary

Am 24.11.2015 um 17:52 schrieb John Arthorne:
Thanks for all your work gathering and assembling this, Marcel.  

I want to poke on "fund a developer to triage and fix the most common errors" one a bit. Apart from the fact that the topic was changed half way through voting, I have a meta-point about how this one is quite different from all the other proposals. For all the other topics, we are essentially making guesses about what we think is the most valuable thing to focus on. I find it hard to judge whether it is more important to work on GTK vs Mac issues, or how to measure the competing proposals on how to improve discovery/install of new plugins. However from AERI we have concrete evidence of errors that occur thousands of times per week for our users. We have a clear way to rank them so we know the most effective thing to focus on. We have a clear metric that can be used to define and measure success at working on it. The downside is that there is a fair bit of noise in the signal, and a lot of "grunt" work to sift through them and identify either the real fix, or the change to our logging code or in AERI to filter or reclassify them appropriately.
I must say I still don't see why the Platform is so special that it shouldn't go through the "normal" FEEP process. Now that budget is reachable, why don't you go through the problem reports and identify a number of important/interesting ones for each FEEP round? I'd be more than happy to see these important problems fixed in the Platform and I would vote accordingly on a case by case basis. Just to be clear, my resistance to the "fund a full-time developer" idea is not because I personally might lose some influence, it's really more because I fear that the community would lose both influence and traceability.

Still, as I said before, I'm not totally against it. I just don't see an immediate need for this "special handling" or a big advantage (other than less proposal preparation effort).



To me this one in particular is the perfect use of FEEP funding. It is perhaps not the most exciting work, but it is work that will have real and measurable impact on our quality, and user's perceptions of Eclipse IDE's as a quality product. It is also something that can be scoped up or down to suit any budget FEEP may have. I think the "full time" aspect really skewed the discussion away from the central point here, so I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to reconsider the proposal and give their thoughts for or against it.


From:        Marcel Bruch <marcel.bruch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:        "" <>
Date:        11/19/2015 06:23 AM
Subject:        Re: [] FEEP Voting,        Iteration #1 - Summary
Sent by:

Greetings AC Members,

here are the current vote results. There were 16 proposals, and 18 AC members voting. IMHO these results provide a great input for further discussion. This is the summary of the current votes:

Bug Summary Average
479686 [FEEP] Improve GTK 3.0 support
480176 [FEEP] Allow user to discover plugins to edit a specific type of file
482409 [FEEP] Fix issues in Mac SWT port
482236 [FEEP] JVM selection UI in the launcher
482034 [FEEP] p2 improvements
480177 [FEEP] WTP XML editor technology face-lift
480547 [FEEP] Prompt user to install additional plugins
479536 [FEEP] Improve Tooling Support for NullPointerAnalysis
480551 [FEEP] Enable "refresh using native hooks"
480546 [FEEP] Make everything available in Eclipse Marketplace
481227 [FEEP] Improve Dark Theme
480024 [FEEP] [jdt] Fund full-time committer for JDT
482037 [FEEP][platform] Fund a developer to triage and fix the most frequently occurring errors in Platform UI
479541 [FEEP] New Project Website for our IDE
480550 [FEEP] Tips & tricks dialog
480553 [FEEP] Review most used marketplace plug-ins

Given these votes, the following topics seem to be of major interest to AC members:
  • Improving GTK 3.0 Support - 1,6
  • Allows users to discover editor plugins based on file-extensions - 1,6
  • Fixing Mac SWT errors - 1,5
  • JVM Selection UI - 1,2

Note that this list is neither a final statement nor a recommendation. It’s a starter for more in-depth discussions - especially for the controverse proposals with wide variance. Those may be caused by different understandings and need further discussion.

How to proceed?

Those that voted a +2 on certain topics (and still would vote +2) and feel that the proposal may be misunderstood by others should ask specific voters for their opinions. Preferably, as Pascal said, this discussion takes place in Bugzilla.

I’d propose to reserver another week for iteration #2 - until next Wednesday - to settle the discussions on these controversial topics.

From there, we’ll see whether another iteration is needed. My goal is to finalize this list until the next AC meeting, discuss it there if necessary, and present the results to the EF then.


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