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[ecd-tools-wg] Minutes from 3-Dec Marketing meeting

We finished our last ECD-WG marketing committee meeting of the year today and approved the minutes from our last meeting (3-dec).

If you have questions please let us know. We are planning our next meeting in mid-January and will send out minutes from our 17-Dec meeting once they're approved there.


Discussion Topic



Approve minutes of the previous meeting



Budget and fee strawman working session




  • Brad Micklea - Red Hat

  • Thabang Mashologu - Eclipse Foundation

  • Sharon Corbett - Eclipse Foundation

  • Paul White - Eclipse Foundation

  • Paul Buck - Eclipse Foundation

  • Dave McNeirney - Broadcom

  • Jonas Helming - EclipseSource (Participant rep)

Past Action Items

Action Items from this Meeting

  • Schedule one more meeting for this calendar year: Dec 17, 2019

    • KPIs - where do we want to be?

    • Audience - who are our targets?

    • Logo - resync on it

    • Budget - any changes?

  • Eclipse Foundation will develop a survey to look at requirements, use case and adoption of cloud dev tools

    • Target Eclipse community; rest of world

  • Eclipse Foundation to begin investigation into download stats, etc…

  • Brad to send out budget to the remaining strategics - remind them to get feedback before the 17th

  • Brad to send the minutes from the previous meeting to the working group mailing list


  • Meeting minutes from previous meeting were approved

  • Context for marketing budget: deck from Thabang

    • Who is the audience

      • Need to figure this out

      • Is the Eclipse audience a good target?

      • Adopters (those who have built products on Eclipse IDE) might be great first stop

      • Users want something really simple and cloud tools aren’t there - they’re more likely to be late majority or laggards

    • Eclipse Foundation will develop a survey to look at requirements, use case and adoption of cloud dev tools

      • Target Eclipse community; rest of world

    • Key metrics

      • KPIs should support awareness, adoption, activation, retention and referral

      • Blogs

        • Assume 6 from foundation for the year

        • Assume 4 from strategic members for the year (1 per qtr)

        • Assume 2 from participant members for the year

        • Community blogs don’t factor in here

        • Need to get to at least one blog per week

      • Use cases

        • 5 per year (1 per strategic members)

      • Database size

      • Download and usage stats

        • Can we get those?

        • Two aspects

          • Products: need to enable telemetry of some kind (remember GDPR though)

          • Downloads: Eclipse Foundation could build out operational and download metrics that could be open to the community

  • Budget

    • Overall passed the sniff test

    • Needs feedback from the other 3 Strategics

    • Need to make sure we do a mix of physical and virtual events

    • Some concern about pushing fees to participants - how much?

      • Sliding scale will be worked on by Paul

    • Meetups - is this budget to setup our own meetups?

      • No, plan is just to provide pizza and beer to existing meetups with the right audience (cheap awareness)

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