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[ecd-tools-wg] ECD-WG Marketing Meeting Minutes


The marketing subcommittee met on Nov 5 (our initial meeting) to discuss the role of the committee and how to move forward on our marketing and branding targets. We are pushing forward on a marketing budget for the working group (projects would get some shine from this but they should have their own marketing separately as well). The marketing budget for the working group will be a key input to the 2020 fees for Strategic and Participant members.

The approved minutes for the meeting and action items are below:

Action Items from this Meeting


  • Introduction of the Marketing Committee representatives

    • Each member introduced themselves

    • Jean Roussel clarified that he would keep a seat on the steering committee but they were looking for someone else who could be the marketing representative

  • Review strategic priorities for 2020

    • Steering committee has prioritized the big technical items they want to start tackling together

    • Marketing committee will focus on the prioritized list of marketing and awareness initiatives that will support the WG and the technical items

    • Events

      • Need to figure out what the “major” event for ECD-WG is

      • EclipseCon is focused on Eclipse committers - it’s an “internal” audience - it’s important that the WG is present and a part of this event

      • The WG might benefit from having another event (or a side-event) that focuses primarily on the ECD problem / solution set, and targets organizations and individuals that will contribute to the WG

  • Target accomplishments for 2020

    • Timing of MSFT VSOnline announce gives the WG a huge amount of legitimacy

    • Should also target users who would be ideal for the WG

    • Want to increase awareness of ECD projects among (esp. Younger developers)

    • What about branding?

      • Are we promoting the projects?

      • Or the WG as well?

      • Group wants a logo for the WG

  • Budget and fee strawman (based on Jakarta EE)

    • Concern with the developer advocate - wouldn’t this be better done via the vendor advocates?

    • There is value though in representing the WG as a vendor-neutral voice

    • Eclipse’s experience with JakartaEE and IoT-WG has been that the Program Manager and Marketing Manager are necessary ASAP, but the dev advocate could be delayed if needed

    • Steering committee sets the budget and fees, but the Marketing committee’s input is critical

    • Need the marketing plan in order to move forward - including the success metrics we’ll be tracking

      • Success metrics should consider whether we want to drive specific projects harder than others, or raise awareness and engagement for all projects

    • JakartaEE marketing plan took ~2 months to draft, then needed revamp from community

  • 60- and 90-day plans review

    • Didn’t get to it

  • Target content for December 2019 community call

    •  Didn’t get to it

  • Cloud Development Tools Twitter handle and placeholder logo


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