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[ecd-pmc] Committer Election for Lucas Koehler on Eclipse Theia has started

A Committer election for Lucas Koehler on project Eclipse Theia (ecd.theia)
was started by Johannes Faltermeier with this criteria:

I would like to nominate Lucas for committer status on the Eclipse Theia
project. His regular contributions and enhancements to Theia, particularly in
aligning Theia with the VSCode API and the initial implementation of
multi-window support, are noteable.

You can review Lucas' contributions to the Theia core project here:

Lucas has also been actively involved in the Theia Cloud and Theia Cloud Helm
repositories, which were recently contributed to the Eclipse Theia project.

Here are the links to his work on Theia Cloud:

Given his consistent and valuable contributions, it is my pleasure to
nominate Lucas.

Eclipse Theia project committers can click the election link below to vote.

Election: Election for Lucas Koehler as Committer on Eclipse Theia [1]

Project: Eclipse Theia [2]


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